
Prayers for North Korean Refugees: A New Decade

On New Years Day this year Crossing Borders celebrated our 10-year anniversary. It has been 10 years since Mike Kim packed up two duffle bags and boarded a one-way flight to serve North Korean refugees in Northeast China. Since January 1, 2003, we have assisted hundreds of North Korean refugees in China. We have raised more than $2 million. We have seen a transformation in the region, the refugees and ourselves.

As we look to our next decade of work, we know that our methods and our staff may change. However, our goal to bring the hope of Jesus Christ to North Korean refugees will not. At the heart of what we do is our relationship with a God who pursues.

In Luke 15 Jesus shares three parables that illustrate his heart: the lost sheep, the lost coin and the prodigal son. Each parable depicts God as a pursuer of what was lost.

This is exactly what Crossing Borders longs to do.

When Mike packed his bags 10 years ago, we believe it was because of a passion God placed in him to bring justice and hope to North Korean refugees who could not attain it for themselves. We take so much care to do what is best for the people we help because we believe that God did the same for us. He laid down His glory to live among us. He bore our shame so that we could live abundantly for Him.

How could we not do the same?

There have been many exciting moments over the past 10 years of our work but most of the time it has been a grind. Our staff and volunteers give a significant portion of their time and energy to make this organization work. We would not still be doing this if we didn’t truly believe in the power behind this work.

As we start our second decade, please pray that we would continue to pursue the lost sheep, the North Korean refugees of China, with the heart of Jesus Christ.

Prayers for Newtown, Connecticut: Finding Goodness in Grief

The following post was written by Crossing Borders' Executive Director: The unthinkable happened on Friday in Newtown, Connecticut. A crazed gunman shot and killed 20 children who were at school. This has left us to ask several difficult questions about the goodness of God, the nature of our laws and what has become of our society. We have also seen a decency to human beings that is inspiring: Teachers shielding their students from gunfire and school administrators who did not hesitate to help those in need.

The tragedy and heroism that unfolded in Newtown reminds me of the way that Crossing Borders started. Our official start date was January 1, 2003, but the seeds for our work were sown on September 11, 2001.

We watched the Twin Towers crumble on television and later we heard stories of the heroism of the firefighters, policemen and others, who disregarded their own lives to save a few.

We were in our early 20s, many of us just out of college as this terrible day unfolded. We did not decide that day to start Crossing Borders, but many of us were inspired to live selflessly for a greater purpose, to help those who would otherwise die without our help.

And this is not just the testimony of Crossing Borders. Many of the non-profit leaders we have met throughout the years who started their work at a similar time have also attributed their beginnings to the terror and hope shown on September 11.

Though horrific and bloody, tragedy has a way of awakening the human spirit and reminding us that there are things much more important than our Christmas lists or New Years plans. It reminds us that human beings are made for community and when people are hurting, we can and must help.

Whether it’s North Koreans in China, Syrian refugees in Turkey, raped women in the Congo or distraught families in Newtown, Connecticut, let us pray this week that the tragedy and sadness in the world will awaken the best in all of us.