Donate FAQ

Giving to Crossing Borders

How can I give to Crossing Borders via check or money order?
Donations can be sent to Crossing Borders via mail at
PO Box 354, Glenview, IL 60025 USA

Can I give a donation through stock options?
Please contact Crossing Borders via email to to learn more about different methods of giving.

Updating Donor Information

To update your email, phone or mail address, please email with your updated information.

Renewing or Ending a Recurring Donation

To renew a recurring donation:
If your monthly or quarterly donation has ended and you wish you start donating again, you can simply start a new monthly plan on our donate page. The day of month you set up the donation plan will be day of donation for future months. Please use the same email address as the prior donations to prevent duplicate donor profiles in our system.

To change a recurring credit card & bank account donations: 

A credit card or bank (eCheck or ACH) recurring donation set up through the Crossing Borders website can be changed or updated by creating a new donation plan using the same email address as the prior donation. Please note that creating a new monthly/quarterly donation plan does not automatically cancel the prior donation. Please email to cancel former recurring donation plans.

If you have any difficulties changing or ending your recurring donation:
Please email with your first name, last name, current email, as well as any information related to your recurring giving. We would be happy to assist you!